2020 Adventure or No Adventure

 My goal in 2020 was to be more consistent in my writing and posting on this blog.  I started out strong and could have had a few more posts before the pandemic hit.  Yep, when it hit all adventure seemed to be gone.  I did find some time to write in the first few months of the pandemic.  I mostly just wrote some other things and did think about writing about the adventures I was missing.  I decided to just focus on morning pages which was helpful when there was nothing to do and there was so much information overload.  I just didn’t eat out much and didn’t go to lots of places as was suggested, thus not much travel or eating adventures happening.  2020 did have an adventure in it though.  The mad dash to get toilet paper and other paper and cleaning products.  Let's just say when you genuinely are out of toilet paper it wasn’t a fun adventure.  I did use my time wisely and got lots of cleaning done like many others.  No, I didn’t do any big remodel projects.  I think the things I missed most were not being able to go to Nashville, concerts, and sporting events. 2020 was a test and here’s to 2021 turning around to more in-person adventures, not take-out and zoom calls.  Although just think if this were 20 years ago how different it would have been.  So 2021 I’m ready for some adventure, visits with friends, family, going to concerts, and attending sporting events.  Let the adventures begin.
